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China Regulates Video Game Gambling

The Chinese government has announced new regulations on video game gambling, a growing problem in the country and around the world. The new rules will require game developers to disclose the probability of obtaining certain items within a game, such as rare weapons or other valuable virtual goods. Additionally, players under 18 years old will be limited to no more than 90 minutes of game time per day on weekdays, and three hours per day on weekends and holidays.

china regulates video game gambling

The problem of video game gambling has been growing in recent years, and there have been concerns about its potential impact on children. In China, video game addiction has become a serious issue, with many parents worried about the effect that excessive game play could have on their children's health, education, and future prospects.

These new regulations are a significant step towards addressing these concerns, and could have a major impact on the gaming industry in China and beyond. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the details of the new regulations, their potential impact on game developers, and what this could mean for gamers and parents around the world.

The New Regulations

The Chinese government has outlined a number of new regulations aimed at reducing the impact of video game gambling on children and teenagers. These include:

Disclosure of Probabilities

One of the key requirements of the new regulations is that game developers must disclose the probability of obtaining specific items within a game. This could include rare weapons, valuable virtual goods, or other items that players may be trying to acquire. By providing this information, developers hope to reduce the element of chance in these transactions, and make it clear to players what they're getting into.

For example, if a player knows that there is only a 1% chance of obtaining a rare weapon, they may be less likely to spend large amounts of money on in-game items. Similarly, if they know that there is a 50% chance of obtaining a particular item, they may be more likely to invest time and resources into that goal.

Time Limits for Minors

Another major change is the introduction of limits on game time for players under 18 years old. According to the new regulations, minors will be limited to no more than 90 minutes of game time per day on weekdays, and three hours per day on weekends and holidays. This is in line with recommendations from the World Health Organization, which suggests that children and teenagers should have no more than two hours of screen time per day.

These limits will be enforced using a real-name registration system, which will require players to verify their identities before accessing games. This could be a major challenge for game developers, who will need to ensure that their systems are secure and reliable enough to prevent fraud and abuse.

Other Requirements

In addition to these major changes, the new regulations also include a number of other requirements and restrictions, including:

A ban on addictive features that encourage players to spend money or play for longer periods of time

A requirement for game companies to report any in-game activity that involves more than 10,000 yuan (approximately $1,500 USD) per day

Strict rules around the advertising and promotion of video games to minors

Requirements for game companies to provide parental controls and other safety features

The Impact on Game Developers

These new regulations are likely to have a major impact on game developers in China and around the world. On the one hand, they could lead to increased transparency and fairness in the gaming industry, as players become more aware of the chances of winning rare items or achieving certain goals. This could ultimately lead to more loyal and engaged player bases, as consumers feel that they are getting a fair deal.

On the other hand, the new regulations could also pose major challenges for game developers, especially those who rely on in-game purchases and microtransactions to generate revenue. By limiting game time and banning addictive features, the regulations could reduce the amount of money that players are willing to spend on these items, which could in turn hurt game developers' bottom lines.

Additionally, the real-name registration system and other requirements could increase the costs and complexity of game development and operations, especially for smaller studios or independent developers who may not have the resources to implement such systems.

The Impact on Gamers and Parents

For gamers and parents, the new regulations are likely to be a mixed bag. On the one hand, the regulations could provide more protection and safety for children and teenagers, who may be at risk of developing video game addiction or spending excessive amounts of money on in-game items. By limiting game time and requiring parental controls, the regulations could help to reduce the negative effects of gaming on young people's health and wellbeing.

On the other hand, the regulations could also limit the freedom and enjoyment of gamers, especially those who are older or more experienced. By restricting game time and banning addictive features, the regulations may make it more difficult for players to achieve their goals or enjoy the full experience of a game. Additionally, the real-name registration system and other requirements could make it more difficult for players to access certain games, or could make the overall gaming experience more cumbersome and frustrating.

Overall, the new regulations are a significant development in the ongoing debate over video game gambling and addiction. While they may pose challenges for game developers and players alike, they also represent an important step towards creating a more transparent, fair, and safe gaming industry for everyone.

The Editor Says: The new regulations on video game gambling in China could have significant effects on the gaming industry and on gamers and parents around the world. By requiring developers to disclose the probability of obtaining certain in-game items and limiting game time for minors, the regulations aim to reduce the impact of gaming addiction and excessive spending. However, the regulations may also pose challenges for game developers and could limit the freedom and enjoyment of gamers. Overall, the new regulations represent an important step towards creating a more transparent, fair, and safe gaming industry for everyone.

Update time 2024-04-21

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